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 August 2024

Copyright June 2, 2024 *Mary Elizabeth Hoffman* All Rights Reserved

The energies for August 2024 are focused on clear, concise, honest communication and expression with self and others as a way to restructure, reorder and reorganize life and world personally and professionally in ways aligned with Balanced Reciprocity Universal Flow - giving and receiving in harmony with self, others and one’s surroundings. 

The goddess energies of Lilith/Ti’a’ma’at  flow powerfully in a grand air trine whispering of ways to move forward powerfully bringing change in a smooth easy manner for self, others and all kingdoms of the Cosmos.  This Air Trine between the Moon’s South Node in Libra (invoking deep seated memories from ages long past of the Perfected Vision of Balanced Reciprocity with which the Universe is created), Mars and Admetos in Gemini (pointing out a plethora of ways to a variety of divergent paths and experiences via free will choice) and Pluto in Aquarius (acting as the harmonizing empowerer based on ideas, energies, vibrations, sound, tones, feelings and senses expressed by each individual member of not only the Human Kingdom, all Kingdoms, as well). 

During August 2024 everyone gets a ‘taste’ of what is possible when aligned with Balanced Reciprocity with all the Cosmos from microcosm to macrocosm and all Kingdoms in harmonious relationship devoid of the Human Kingdom generated cords of fear. What is called for now is overcoming the challenges of discovering, creating and maintaining a healthy, cooperative, balanced relationship between one’s head and one’s heart aligned with one’s Soul Path and Inner Truth Center.  

With Mercury in early Virgo trine Cupido in Capricorn opening the month of August 2024 (and due to its retrograde motion most of August returning to station in September 2024) loving words of healing, restructuring, reordering and reorganizing bring great potential for expression of compassion, understanding, empathy, caring, truth and trust individually and collectively worldwide. Attunement (at-one-ment) with head and heart balanced in cooperative collaboration is key to working with these powerful energies.

Saturn retrograde in late Pisces solidly squaring Jupiter in Gemini brings a tremendous number of options and possibilities one may choose path wise, creating challenges for those unable or unwilling to seek within themselves and their own Inner Truth Center of balanced head and heart for answers as to the wisest direction they may choose to take.  All is free will choice, yet there may still be some members of the Human Kingdom who seek to influence, persuade, coerce, cajole or manipulate those around them in an attempt to bring about their personal ego desired outcomes. Integrity with self and others is of utmost importance now.

With Saturn and Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius all retrograde, these outer slow moving energies generate a static type vibration between head and heart, mind and emotions, water and air, ideas and feelings in their desire to facilitate greater Balanced Reciprocity.  Short circuiting of the nervous system is possible amplifying the importance of grounding, time in nature, quiet repose, contemplation, relaxation and regeneration body, mind, spirit and emotions.

On this Lamas Day, August 1, 2024 with Moon in Cancer opposite Cupido in Capricorn, squaring the Moon’s Nodes in Aries (north = present/future) and Libra (south=past) this birth day of the goddess on Earth in the Celtic and earth traditions brings forth from the depths of the psyche through eons of time, new ways of expressing and experiencing more deeply and intimately all relationships with all Kingdoms throughout the Cosmos in greater Balanced Reciprocity.  This is the clarion call for active participation from all beings. Feminine portals in all their symbologies, expressions and ways of being throughout Nature and the Cosmos shall be fully open throughout the month of August 2024.  Adding to the incredible Cosmic power of this Lamas are the energies of Cosmic Equinox amplifying the earth trine between Uranus in late Taurus and Lilith/Ti’a’ma’at in late Virgo bringing much wisdom guidance available which, if heeded, brings clarity of vision, direction and much hope for the future directions for the earth and all its inhabitants. This is in preparation for more Halls of Records openings, wisdom and guidance between now and the activation of ancient wisdoms of the Four Points of Avatar in Egypt at the Sphinx in 2027.

August 4, 2024 at 3:14 am PST, 6:14 am EST, 11:14 am GMT, 12:14 pm EET is New Moon in Leo on the Leo Point of Avatar with the t-square continuing between Cupido in early Capricorn and the Moon’s Nodes in Aries and Libra.  Saturn in Pisces trines Hades and Kronos in Cancer all signaling an extremely emotional, passionate, powerful time of expressing Truth of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies in connection, cooperation, communication and unconditional love of life and all beings throughout the Cosmos, individually and collectively. This is an opportunity for the Human Kingdom to ground and anchor these wisdom truth energies into the earth as conduits between Heaven and Earth for all.  This is also the time when karma from previous actions which has been hidden, diverted or avoided ‘comes home to roost’.

Mercury in Virgo goes retrograde August 5, 2024 moving back into Leo August 16 until it goes direct August 28, 2024.  The first half of the retrograde is a powerful time for assessing what is out of balance, requiring restructuring, reordering and reorganizing. The second half of the Mercury retrograde is a time of shining the ‘light of Truth’  on these imbalances making preparations to correct these imbalances during this retrograde time until Mercury returns to station on Friday, September 13, 2024 when a clarification and stabilization begins to manifest in one’s life expression.  Postponement is not an option. 

August 19, 2024 at 10:27 am PST, 1:27 pm EST, 6:27 pm GMT, 7:27 EET is Full Moon in late Aquarius  with Sun and Mercury conjunct in Leo and a t-square between Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini, Saturn in Pisces and Venus and Lilith/Ti’a’ma’at in Virgo and a t-square between Cupido and the Moons Nodes in Aries and Libra with Chiron in late Aries trine the Sun and Mercury all amplifying the necessity for a strong head-heart alignment with Ti’a’ma’at (the balancer of Truth who weighs each heart on her scales with the ‘feather of Truth’). With Jupiter conjunct Mars in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces opposite Venue and Lilith/Ti’a’ma’at  this unveiling of Truth may bring great disappointment to those living in self created worlds of illusion and fantasy unaligned with the Balanced Reciprocity of the Cosmos and head and heart. 

August 2024 is all about finding balance within and without in relationship to everything that is part of the whole.  Any imbalances that exist whether within one’s self or outside in the world shall make themselves fully known.  Being open, receptive and accepting to what is so in the present moment facilitates ease of flow and empowerment along one’s Soul Path.  The more honest one is able to be with self, the deeper more intimate the connection to all things with all beings.

We Cat Beings in our many varied expressions are here to assist and facilitate the Human Kingdom in its grand initiation and shift into Balanced Reciprocity and alignment with All That IS. Call upon us and we shall render guidance, wisdom and truth which through free will choice one may apply or not as one is guided by their Inner Truth Center. 



The Cat Beings through Mary Elizabeth Hoffman

© 2014 Mary Elizabeth Hoffman - Proudly created with

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